Instructor Name

Dharna Ahuja


100% Industry Readiness in Mobile & Web Development


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Course Requirements

This Training is a part of 100% industry readiness program, Candidate should have taken the full course. This is not a free course and can't be purchased independently.

Course Description

Web and Mobile development

Fundamentals of Web Development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create expressive and dynamic websites


  • Understand how websites work and how HTML, CSS and JavaScript contribute.
  • Understand how the internet works.
  • Start coding with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Learn and understand git, GitHub and version control.
  • Use the Unix command line to become a power user and write bash commands.
  • Learn key troubleshooting and debugging skills to apply to your projects.
  • HTML 5
  • Learn the anatomy of HTML syntax to structure your websites.
  • Understand the HTML boilerplate and HTML doctypes.
  • How to structure text in HTML.
  • How to structure HTML lists to create unordered and ordered lists.
  • How to insert images using HTML
  • How to create hyperlinks using anchor tags.
  • Understand how to use HTML tables for content.
  • How to use tables for layout.
  • Learn HTML best practices.
  • Understand about HTML forms and create a simple contact me form.
  • HTML Divs and how to separate content for CSS styling.
  • CSS
  • Understand what are cascading style sheets and how you can use it to style your website.
  • How to use CSS selectors and properties.
  • Learn about how to use inline, internal and external CSS.
  • Understand CSS coding best practices.
  • Learn about CSS sizing methods.
  • Learn the anatomy of CSS syntax and structure.
  • CSS specificity and implementing style hierarchy.
  • Class vs. Ids and how to target each.
  • CSS display and how to implement layout.
  • How to use CSS static, relative and absolute positioning systems.
  • Font styling using CSS and web safe fonts.
  • Centering elements using CSS.
  • Website design fundamentals and typography.
  • How to use CSS float and clear.
  • How combine CSS selectors and understand selector priority.


  • Learn the fundamentals of implementing responsive web design.
  • How to use Balsamiq to mockup and wireframe websites.
  • The fundamentals of UI design for websites.
  • How to install the Bootstrap framework.
  • Understanding the Bootstrap grid layout system.
  • How to use bootstrap containers to layout your web site easily.
  • Learn to use other Bootstrap components such as buttons.
  • Adding symbols using Font Awesome.
  • Learn to use Bootstrap carousels.
  • Add Bootstrap cards to your website.
  • Using Bootstrap navigation bars.
  • The Fundamentals of Code
  • Starting code with alerts and prompts.
  • Understand Variables and Data Types in JavaScript
  • Variable naming in JS
  • Working with strings and numbers
  • Randomisation and logical operators
  • Loops, collections and Conditionals.
  • Functions and invocation patterns
  • Discussion of ECMAScripts
  • Intermediate JavaScript
  • Learn to use JS Expressions, Operators, Statements andDeclarations
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • JS Objects and Prototypes
  • `This`, Scope and Closures
  • Objects and Prototypes
  • Refactoring and Debugging
  • Learn the tree structure of HTML based websites.
  • Traverse through the document using object notation.
  • Separation of concerns and coding best practices.
  • Manipulate and change the HTML elements using yourunderstanding of the DOM.
  • Installing and using the jQuery framework.
  • Learning about jQuery functionality
  • Introduction to functions in jQuery
  • Manipulating text, styles and attributes with jQuery
  • Create animations and customizations with jQuery
  • Use your jQuery knowledge to make your website interactive
  • Responding to user initiated events with jQuery

Course Curriculum


Dharna Ahuja

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0 Students
3 Courses

Master degree in Computer application with strong knowledge in MEAN,MERN, DS-Pythin-R Programming and working Experience in providing training to people from different parts of the world like USA,UAE,UK.She work specifically with IIT Kanpur, Roorkee, IIHT, Kerala Government Program. Worked with more then 15 national training institute to mature the skill of handling engineering grads.

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Web and Mobile development


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